Friday, February 27, 2009

err? random thoughts?

Comparisons are easily done,
Once you had a taste of perfection.

-Katy Perry ( Thinking of You )

Aww..isn't that just sweet? I love song quotations.I had an idea on using parts of songs to do an essay or a poem,which ain't gonna work,cause me British ish bad..D= (and *cough* ain't it against copyrights? )

No more mistakes,
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay.
-Katy Perry ( Thinking of You )

I always repeat the lyrics or quote in my head and picture the scene when I get the chance to use them.(which is most probably never I guess..=/ )

How do I get closer to you,
when you keep it all on mute.
How would I know,
the right way to love you.
-Katy Perry ( Mannequin ) I'm such a Katy Perry lyrics addict~ 8D

Don't all of us have a favourite song quote? lolz..share it..XD
p/s - can't you see that I'm trying my best to update? D=

@ the moment.
Well,nothing new here,I guess. Same old,same old.

Really, I guess. Seriously, I think. I'm sure of it, maybe.

Hey actually, I do have something to say(wow,that's rare!). Why social problems around me built up so dramatically ever since I entered F6? Shouldn't it be less? Since we owned the title of "young adults" now,shouldn't our mind be much more mature than before? By the way,I'm not pointing fingers at anyone. Just that it annoys me whenever I think that my friend is suffering from social problems,which is the "in" thing now.I heard gossips about it, heard it from the "victims" themselves and even witness it with my own two eyes. To me, it all links down to this,
"eat too full, nothing better to do."
Seriously my friends, all of these misunderstandings,chaos and back-stabbing should stop by now.These hating and doubting are killing each other, don't you think so? So, take down that freaking mask of yours and as what Russell Peters said "Be a man,and doooo the right thing." =D Cause it's stupid and cliche to see the same thing happen twice~

Oh and by the way,I don't take sides. Never a fan of it.

p/s - Oh gosh,this came out quite "pantai-ish" didn't it?ROFL. Didn't mean to do it THAT way,oh well.

Other than that,the first monthly test is coming up (darns..DX). It's only gonna be a 2 days test for 5 subjects.I would rather have it for 3 days than to cram everything one shot!Rawr. This school is really driving me up the wall, they are making everyone the same,no individuality! argggggg!! We can't even choose our own rapping paper for our own table for pity's sake!! What are we? Primary school students? We are certainly being treated as one.Zzzzz. Whatever,these problems are just a speck of dust in my life,nothing to take concern about.Zzzzzzz.Besides,let's think positively, it's a school anyway,which have rules and it builds up their (so called) discipline.Their first thing to do is to make every body the same because it looks clean and neat.

. . .

Why am I agreeing and disagreeing with myself? SWEAT.... okies? I don't even know where this blog post is going now,odd indeed.I guess I'll stop here before I blurt out more rubbish. So,till next time..=D byes~