Sunday, January 18, 2009

Me little drawing dump.

Hi all (again)! It's 4.25AM now and I'm fishly sleepy. Gonna post up some works of mine.Enjoy..=D

wows!! I wonder how long is this WIP.I really forgot how I started it,why I started it and when did I plan to finish it..=.=;; I only remembered that I did CG-ed it until really "peck cek".It's been in my pictures folders ever since.Eps,this reminds me of my other WIP works, guilty-fied.I'm in Despair!!!

This was done last year.My GaiaOnline avatar.Gaia,hmm....haven't been there in a while.Used to be a Gaia addict,I've learned my lesson.
lolz...this picture was completed during the school assembly(Saturday).You can see how bored was I,I was really really seriously bored.By the way,my chair was stolen by a teacher!gah! I have to share sits with my classmate!eps! evil I tell ya!I have to lean to the empty side (which is the place where my chair is suppose to be) and draw! This is done in me note book,yays for blank page!Sorry,her facial features is a little off..=.=;;

Another note book drawin practice.Started a little in the hall and continued it in class.It's not done yet.Dunno how to continue...swt.I think I really killed Alice.Looks kinda weird for some reason..hmm....
well,that's all for now.Till next time ne~! buai buai.

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